Sat, Apr 20, 2024

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I first told my parents, back when I was a youthful 23, that I wanted to spend most of my time nude. In all honesty they wasn't very surprised, and quite happily accepted that I spent most of my time in my room or when I understood we wouldn't have visitors nude around the house. Back then it wasn't frowned upon to see kids upto the age of 10 jogging about with very little on. It wasnt until I beg

I first told my parents, back when I was a youthful 23, that I wanted to spend most of my time nude. In all honesty they wasn't very surprised, and quite happily accepted that I spent most of my time in my room or when I understood we wouldn't have visitors nude around the house. Back then it wasn't frowned upon to see kids upto the age of 10 jogging about with very little on. It wasnt until I beg

The only other family member I Have told, and the last remaining man knowing of my lifestyle alternative, is my closest cousin. She's fine with it, but like most of the people, prefers me to stay dressed if she is seeing. beach blondes have, like us all I'm sure, some very close friends. Some that I've known for over 20 years, infact we're more like family than friends, they are the brothers and sisters I never had as a child. The thing is, even though I know some of them will recognize, I'm still affraid of being alienated as the weird one.

So beach bum 've had tears and laughter together, shared the sad times and the good times. Our courses have wandered apart quite little over the years. So how would, neigh could, I tell her that I enjoy being naked constantly? I hate wearing clothing? My male friends I am anticipating the usual ribbing, thats what we do, we diss each other, but all in good humour. Nevertheless to tell her is going to be hard to say the least, or do I even have to tell my friends? So beach blondes see what my quandry is, how tough things can be to tell someone something you have kept quiet for many years.)